Приводы СК были установлены на очистных сооружениях в Гуандуне для автоматизации арматуры.
The flexible, modular CK actuator design has enabled the plant to use a combination of CK Standard and CK Centronik actuators to automate 89 gate valves and sluices to control the flow throughout the waste water treatment process.
CK Centronik actuators provide intelligent valve control with data logging for diagnostics and asset management. Rapid and secure commissioning and configuration is performed using selector switches on the Centronik housing or via a setting tool, following user-friendly menu driven screens displayed on the actuator indication window. In normal operation the window displays the valve position, valve status and alarms.
Standard features that are common to all CK actuators include IP68 double-sealed environmental protection, plug and socket connections for fast and efficient commissioning and maintenance, motor-independent handwheel operation, mechanical valve position indication and independent torque and position sensing for increased valve protection. Actuator gearboxes are oil lubricated for extended life and separable thrust or non-thrust bases enable actuators to be removed without disturbing the valve position.